Hello Friend, you've navigated your browser to Cooterbuck dot com, a place for the noodlings of me, Dave Taylor. This site is supposed to be incredibly exciting with all kinds of pictures, flash animations and the like to impress you with my creative abilities. Alas, (and I'm not talking about a young girl) my many commitments, earning a living, taking out the garbage, cleaning up and repairing all that my children destroy, etc. keep me from devoting the time and energy that this endeavor deserves. So for now you'll have to be entertained with some old stuff and this bland Google looking page. So below you can see some of the things I've been fooling around with. The Christmas Card gallery has not been updated in a couple of years, because I haven't designed an original one since then (see above for reason). Something of Interest was an experiment where I tried to do a daily blog of one interesting discovery or nugget of knowledge. That soon fell flat (see above for reason). There's a site for my Dad's paintings (he's retired so he does not have the constraints above). And a 20 year old super 8 movie I made back in college (regrettably maybe some of my best work). If you'd like to see some of my current media work you can click on my business site, "Dave Taylor Motion Pictures." Alas, (I like that word, sounds very poetic don't ya think) that site is in need of a refresh too. Hey, this is getting pretty wordy, so what is "cooterbuck" you ask? Cooterbuck is a term of endearment my mother used for my brother and I when we were growing up, which I think had origins with her parents. A guess a comparable phrase or word would be, "little buddy," or maybe "buster," but those just don't seem to be quite analogous. More to come, hopefully.

C O O T E R B U C K . C O M

Christmas card Gallery

Something of Interest

Don F. Taylor paintings

Dave Taylor Motion Pictures

The Blob Movie

2006 site

2005 site


Hanan Taylor

Mark Taylor


Kids meet former two term President of the United States
On Dec. 8th we were in Charleston to visit my brother for his birthday. We were walking downtown in the Market area and just by chance came across this gray haired fellow.
My brother Tim, smiling at the event. (He voted for the guy twice)
This secret service guy is glaring at my kids for some reason.
Notice how Mark, even in his innocent child's mind, senses something to be wary about this fellow and has strategically positioned himself between this man and his big sister.